Breast Cancer Spread
Breast cancer can be said that one of the oldest known form of cancer, tumors in humans particularly among women. The oldest description of this deadly disease, although the term cancer was not used, was in Egypt years.
The most commonly occurring cancer among women, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women, with the exception of lung cancer. Since the breast is composed of identical tissues in hommeset women, the cancer seno also occurs bei men, albeit less frequently.
There was a time in which the main victims of breast cancer is white, and most of the women. The disease was only affects women in developed societies. Breast cancer in May, has a limited scope, in the past, but today, breast cancer is changing. In Asia, Africa and the Middle East, the rate of breast cancer are more massive levels.
During the last decade, the rates of breast cancer in these two countries menovancésLes auFermentation more than seven times. The enormous increase in the rates of breast cancer in less developed countries is an early end to this case, the stereotype of the woman in white.
In 2020 it is estimated that 70% of the total rate of breast cancer are the people in developing countries. Among the reasons for this change is due to better hygiene and disease control. The improvement tecnologicoin these developing countries extended theLives of the poor and middle class residents.
Because breast cancer affects one of the largest demographic of women, a long life is a part of the basic rates of breast cancer is increasing in developing countries. Another reason why rates of breast cancer in the developing world can rise to the spread of Western habits. Habitudes as a fatty diet and physical inactivity can lead to higher Reder breast cancer.
Although this higher rate of Brustkrebs are a cause for concern, worldwide efforts have been made to combat breast cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure ® is an advocacy group with 125 offices worldwide. The group is developing an action plan against breast cancer by 31 countries. Breast cancer is a problemaLeme growing, but many people are united against the disease. For more information about the CAN breast cancer, please visit http://help4breastcance
9:08 PM | Labels: Breast Cancer Spread | 0 Comments
Current Breast Cancer Information
Breast cancer can be said that one of the oldest known form of cancer, tumors in humans particularly among women. The oldest description of this deadly disease, although the term cancer was not used, was in Egypt years.
The most commonly occurring cancer among women, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women, with the exception of lung cancer. Since the breast is composed of identical tissues in hommeset women, the cancer seno also occurs bei men, albeit less frequently.
In the old days, before the technology begins seriously, is a belief that there is no cure for cancer. For years, many doctors in their surgeries, described similar cases with the same sad conclusion that there is no cure for cancer.
The story remains the same until some doctors, a miglioreEure understanding of the circulatory system to create a scielien between cancer Mammelund the lymph nodes in the armpits wground and can be removed at the same time.
The first attempt to remove the lymph nodes, breast tissue, breast and underlying muscles was a success, which eliminated the fear that there is no cure for the deadly disease called breast cancer.
The most painful breasts or fareMaggio uleurs breast lumps a case of early breast cancer. Since the beginning of the mamoorthographe breast cancer istin usually discovered as a node that does not mean thatSymptoms of mammography before symptoms are present.
The probability of breast cancer increases with age, breast cancer, but more aggressive when it occurs in young people
Recommended: Visit of breast cancer awareness and information to get more information on protecting your car from the deadly disease called Cancer
6:49 PM | Labels: Current Breast Cancer Information | 0 Comments
How You Can Detect Breast Cancer Symptom Earlier?
Breast cancer can be said that one of the oldest known form of cancer, tumors in humans particularly among women. The oldest description of this deadly disease, although the term cancer was not used, was in Egypt years.
The most commonly occurring cancer among women, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women, with the exception of lung cancer. Since the breast is composed of identical tissues in hommeset women, the cancer seno also occurs bei men, albeit less frequently.
Mammography screening can be seen as a test or examination of the breast, which is used for all kinds of diseases such as cancer, in people with no symptoms. The goal of mammography screening for breast cancer is early detection to find or detect whether an atom of cancer before it starts to cause symptoms.
Free testing and physical examination of the breast is another way to cancrocon first and a contribution constanteVous breasNoKönig to assume contOlle of cancer earlier.
Most breast cancer found that just because you think you are usually larger and more likely to have on the chest. Furthermore, breast cancer was found during the tests are probably too small, limited in the chest and can be treated.
More women are survivors to malattiamuoiono this deadly cancer called simply because the routinedépistage and early detection and improved treatment. Breast cancer has kene external signs that can be seen or heard. If there is a sign to the outside, the most common: a dimple in the chest or a body that is an area of thickening, but the symptoms are chest swelling and redness or enlargement of the lymph nodes Fund.
When that happens you have symptoms piùquesti not have breast cancer. Remember that most breast lumps to Benigna, not maliciously, but it is important that you consult your doctor for advice to avoid unnecessaryowned concern that had breast cancer. To learn how your doctor check the lightness of some or all of their concerns, and if something is found, you can take care of him as soon as possible.
Recommended: Visit NewBreast cancer awareness and infotion for more information on how to detect cancer
12:13 PM | Labels: How You Can Detect Breast Cancer Symptom Earlier? | 0 Comments
Breast Cancer - How You Can Return To Your Sexual Life After Breast Cancer Treatment
There are some changes in sexual life which a breast cancer victim has to face after undergoing breast cancer treatment. Continue reading this article if you want to discover how a breast cancer survivor can return to normal sex and intimacy.
It is very difficult for a women to return to their normal sex life after going under breast cancer treatment. The most important thing what a woman needs after the treatment of breast cancer is a sexual health program.
It is a difficult task to have sex after the regular side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, such as vaginal dryness. This is due to premature menopause which causes pain during sex. Usually it takes a longer time to get aroused and the touch of your partner is not as pleasurable as before.
The steps of treatment of breast cancer like radiotherapy and chemotherapy makes the breast more sensitive to touch and if a women has gotten a mastectomy it is great shock for the patient as well as for her partner.
It is very important to regularly visit your gynecologist during and after the treatment of breast cancer. The women who suffer from cancer of the breast are at greater risk of cervical cancer and atrophy of the vagina.
But there is some good news. The side effects of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment do not last for a long time. About six months later the woman who as gone under the treatment of cancer are ready for to resume having sex again. But these six months are full of stress and anxiety and some special techniques and ideas should be followed to return to normal sex life.
Breast Cancer-Sex and Intimacy will give you proper information about how to get rid of common problems which a breast cancer victim face after treatment of cancer.For more information on breast cancer and other latest health issues visit a blog being run by Jitesh Arora. Article Source: |
6:14 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer And Women Issues | 0 Comments
Transfer and Proliferation of Breast Cancer
And a few types of cancer, such as thyroid cancer similar to the natural history of breast cancer usually is very long, breast cancer cells, the doubling time for an average of 90 days, from the beginning of a malignant cell, after 30 times doubled, to reach the tumor Lcm diameter of the sphere, which will take seven to eight years. The cause of breast cancer has not yet completely clear, the best way to reduce mortality is early detection and early treatment. In tumor metastasis, surgery and radiotherapy alone can cure the vast majority of cases. Once transferred, the only cure is also positive for a small number of patients, so the natural law understanding of breast cancer. Help choose the best breast cancer treatment programme.
Breast cancer directly to the expansion around, the lymphatic and blood flow. The lymph nodes should be to prevent cancer cells from the primary tumor Yat, the first barrier, if cancer cells through the lymph node barrier is usually recidivism supraclavicular lymph nodes and then penetrated into the blood vein. In addition to the transfer axillary lymph node cancer, also involving the parasternal lymph nodes, for more than the second and third and fourth intercostal, in the first half of breast cancer in the area and areola more so, from here then repeat lymph node cancer. Breast cancer cells may also directly cause vascular invasive metastasis. Side by intercostal thoracic vein into the ipsilateral unknown vein into the pulmonary circulation. Breast deep tissue, breast and chest wall into the vein axillary vein into the subclavian vein and unknown vein, lung metastasis is an important way, the flow of qi intercostal vein and the vein-odd vein, the superior vena cava last Rufei, Ki Venous system through intervertebral vein, vertebral venous plexus, after the group connected with the vertebral vein, vertebral venous system and the vena cava blood flow in intra-abdominal pressure can change the flow of each other, so that some patients in the absence of a superior vena cava ( Such as the lungs) transfer before a skull, spine, Pengu, such as the transfer.
For a long time, people found that breast cancer may have been in attendance at the distant metastasis, despite the clinical was not attending to, this constitutes a conservative implementation of the theoretical basis for chemotherapy. According to today has been able to tumor size, lymph node involvement in the number and variety of other biological characteristics of a preliminary estimate of distant metastases minimal level of risk exists.
12:18 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Facts | 0 Comments
Osteoporosis Drugs and Breast Cancer
Raloxifene and breast cancer. There has been a great deal of press interest recently in whether the osteoporosis drug Raloxifene can have an impact on the outcome for breast cancer patients. But what's the evidence? Does this drug reduce the risk of invasive breast cancer?
The recent press reports all related to an extracted subgroup of patients from another research project. That trial was designed to look at heart disease - not breast cancer - but the data was re analysed and extrapolated to look at breast cancer in some of the women who took this medication. The study seems to show that the drug reduces the risk of invasive oestrogen-receptor positive breast cancer in these women, regardless of any underlying risk factors
This was a large study and it backs up other reports which also seem to show a benefit from Raloxifene in terms of breast cancer in women after the menopause. The latter point here may be important - after the menopause.
But is there a place for the medication in the prevention of new breast cancer cases? That answer still remains elusive so we don't know if it should be given to healthy women as a way of reducing breast cancer risk.
Cancer experts are encouraged by the results but warn that this trial was conducted in a particular group of postmenopausal women with heart disease and that therefore the results may not necessarily be applicable to other women - and further research will be needed to confirm the findings. Some commentators have also raised worries that this study was primarily designed to investigate the effects of raloxifene in reducing the risk of heart disease - which it didn't do. They fear that the number of women in the trial might not have been big enough to properly assess breast cancer risks.
Also - before getting too excited about this new data we should remember that any benefit of taking this medication to reduce risk of breast cancer must be balanced against the risk of treatment - in particular the drug is known to increase the risk of thrombosis and an increased risk of fatal stroke was reported in the study.
Lastly - any benefit of taking it in women who already have oestrogen-receptor positive invasive breast cancer was not investigated by this study. We really need to hold fire for a while yet before we can draw any real conclusions.
Gordon Cameron is a physician in Edinburgh Scotland. He has a special interest in breast cancer symptoms since his wife Marjory underwent breast cancer treatment recently. Article Source: |
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12:16 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Facts | 0 Comments
Causes of Breast Cancer - Still a Mystery?
If you do your research, you'll find that the information given still points to the "I don't know, but here are the risk factors" lame explanation. What a lot of you know what! Sometimes I wonder if the people who write these things really think it through.
Here's what I mean... "most women who develop breast cancer have no risk factors other than simply being a woman and getting older (especially being over 50). Talk to your doctor about your risk... blah, blah, blah.
Wouldn't a better explanation be... "most women who develop breast cancer have no risk factors other than simply being a woman and getting older (especially being over 50),... because the older you get the weaker your immune system gets, and puts you more at risk to any kind of disease, including breast cancer or any other cancer. And by the way... your immune system has been slowly failing you since the age of 30 because of all the crap you eat!"
Ok, I'm harsh... but I've been known to tell it like it is! Other risk factors for breast cancer include...
Having had breast cancer before. No kidding. If you know anything about cancer, your odds of getting it again doubles, but I won't get into that.
A family history of breast cancer (especially in a mother, sister or daughter diagnosed before menopause.
Family history of ovarian cancer.
An above-average exposure to the hormone estrogen, which your body naturally produces, perhaps because you have never given birth or gave birth for the first time after age 30.
Began menstruating at a young age.
Reached menopause later than average.
Have taken hormone replacement therapy (estrogen plus progestin) for more than five years.
Dense breast tissue (as shown on a mammogram).
A history of breast biopsies showing certain breast changes, such as an increased number of abnormal cells that are not cancerous (atypical hyperplasia).
Radiation treatment to the chest area (for example, to treat Hodgkin lymphoma), especially before age 30.
Some factors slightly increase your risk of breast cancer. You may be at slightly higher risk if you are obese (especially after menopause), drink alcohol, take birth control pills (the Pill).
Some women develop breast cancer without having any of these risk factors. Most women with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease.
Notice the last statement above, and more specifically "most women with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease." Which proves my point... most women who get breast cancer have none of the above (like my ex-wife who died at the young age of 44).
So what's with all these suppositions on the causes of breast cancer? Bottom line folks... cancer is cancer (breast or otherwise), and you get it because of a weakened immune system, and an imbalance in your cells caused by a variation of outside elements invading your body which I will not go into here.
You should know that in countries where people consume low fat diets, there are many less cases of cancer (breast or otherwise). Thinner people, active people, are less likely to get diseases for obvious reasons!
Wyatt Schell is a freelance writer and contributor to the exclusive cancer help resource, Discover how 1000's of women have cured their breast cancers through alternative breast cancer treatment.
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12:15 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer's Causes | 0 Comments
Alcohol and Its Effects on Breast Cancer
As studies have shown, estrogen is the hormone that fuels 80% of breast cancer cases.
Any type of alcohol, be it beer, wine, spirits or something else can change hormonal levels. It is important to note that it is not the alcohol (in say wine) that protects you, but the flavonoids and antioxidants. What determines risk the the alcohol itself and the quantity in which it is consumed.
As a general rule a safe guideline for alcohol consumption is five ounces of wine, twelve ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of liquor. That breaks down to around one drink per day. If you have two your risk for developing breast cancer increases by 10%, and having three drinks will increase that risk to 30%.
In fact this equals smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Regular drinking raises your estrogen level, thereby exposing your breast tissue and can activate the cells to become cancerous.
As a rule, alcohol should be avoided if you are addicted, are or could become pregnant, have a medical condition that is affected by alcohol or re taking any medication that could have side effects when mixed with alcohol.
Studies have shown that women who do not drink alcohol are at a much lower risk for developing breast cancer than those that start. Similarly, those that drink alcohol heavily or to excess ("falling down drunk") consistently (more than two or three times per day) are at a much greater risk.
To minimize the effect of alcohol as a risk factor, the strategy is simple. Drink moderately and not in great quantities, never drink when pregnant. You may even choose to not drink alcohol altogether, instead drinking sparkling juice or alcohol free wine and beer. Ultimately, as we have seen, in very moderate quantities, alcohol can help you decrease your risk, but overindulgence can have the opposite effect.
Laura Guthrie is a former cancer patient who successfully recovered. She now shares her best of the best information to give back.
She's put together a website simply to give back to people just like you with tons of free information, you can get free instant access at
We hope you got lots of value from this article, good luck in your journey.
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10:13 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer's Effects | 0 Comments
Breast Cancer,Tamoxifen and Hair Loss "One Woman's Solution!"
On what should have been a beautiful late spring day two years ago, soon turned into tragedy for two women (Helen and Denise) in their early 40's when they both were diagnosed with invasive-
hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.They were very much alike, these two women. Both were happily married. Both had three children and both held down full time jobs. They were two bright and ambitious women who without realizing it, entered into a bond on that numbing, spring afternoon.
Both underwent several lymph node removals and a lumpectomy. Both endured the effects of 6 weeks of radiation therapy. Neither had to endure the grueling effects of chemotherapy. Both were determined to beat this monster that had invaded their bodies. Both bonded as close friends and when the feelings of hopelessness began to creep into their thoughts they had each other as confidants to lift up their spirits. They stood together, without ever having to alarm their families of their inner fears that their cancer would return.
With the conclusion of their treatments they both resumed their everyday routines and tried to reclaim a sense of normalcy back into their lives. They both were prescribed Tamoxifen for the next five years. Tamoxifen is very effective in preventing reoccurrence in invasive hormone-receptor-positive breast
cancer. Unknown to Denise, she was not yet finished with the challenges that this demon called cancer forced her to face.
Although, Tamoxifen does have some side effects it is relatively safe and thousands upon thousands of women take it daily without experiencing any side effects at all. Helen scarcely noticed any changes while taking the drug. She returned to work part-time at first, but quickly resumed her role as wife, mother and full time employee. One would scarcely believe that she had ever undergone cancer treatments and she glowed once again with signs of good health.
Denise on the other hand didn't fair quite as well. She noticed immediately that her hair was starting to fall out. Sometimes averaging 200 strands a day. After two weeks of being on Tamoxifen and experiencing this rapid hair loss she was seriously considering discontinuing its use. The radiation therapy that was used to spare her life had left her tired and listless. Tamoxifen that was used to prevent the cancer from returning, was thinning her hair and most of all destroying her self esteem.
She researched the prescription medication Rogaine, but found the chemical name (minoxidil) had side effects as well. Rogaine was also very expensive and time consuming. She had contemplated ovary removal. Her reasoning being, she was positive that her family was complete. She quickly dismissed that thought not wanting to undergo anymore surgeries.
She then looked into Aromasin an FDA approved aromatase inhibitor. Aromasin was given to women with early stage disease, but who had already undergone 2 to 3 years of Tamoxifen. The next inhibitor that she looked into was Femara. Although, FDA approved for early stage breast cancer she needed to have completed 5 years of Tamoxifen. The third inhibitor was called Ariminex. This is given to patients with early stage disease and directly after surgery. After discussing this with her Doctor, she immediately switched from Tamoxifen to Ariminex.
Hair loss was the primary reason Denise switched from Tamoxifen to Ariminex. She had no other side effects with this drug, but as vanity would have it she just didn't want to become bald. After taking Ariminex for just under four months she realized that she had traded one cosmetic side effect for another that was physical. Denise was still experiencing slight hair loss, but was now suffering from excruciating joint pain.
Her Doctor explained that by taking Tamoxifen, her continuing hair loss just might have been caused by the drug giving her a nudge into menopause. Women who enter menopause, because of the lower estrogen sometime experience hair loss. He also explained that everyone's tolerance was different for these drugs and he could prescribe Femara for her instead of Ariminex. By this time Denise was taking extended release Tramadol for joint pain and felt exhausted and defeated. She was still not capable of returning to work, even though it had been almost a year since she had been first diagnosed with breast cancer.
Financially Denise and her family were barely making ends meet. Without her much needed paycheck, the household bills were accumulating. Her once vibrant marriage was suffering and the talk of their separation was only silenced by the tears in their children's eyes. In one year everything she and her family had worked for appeared ready to come crashing down!
Denise was still contemplating whether she should begin taking Femara or stop taking all drugs altogether.
That morning she received a phone call that would change her life. It was Helen. Her confidant through the worst of times had called to find out how she was doing. It wasn't long before Denise's emotions came spilling out. Through tears and laughter Helen and Denise were once again reunited, and Denise was no longer fighting this battle, seemingly alone.
Helen who did and continues to work in the organic and natural food business, was saddened that Denise had not confided in her earlier on her struggles. She was delighted with the thought that she may be able to help her ailing friend.
Upon hearing Denise's story it was clear to Helen that the only side effect that Helen's brief taking of Tamoxifen had was hair loss. Because of those two simple four letter words (hair loss) the past year for Denise and her family had turned into a roller coaster of spiraling downward turns.
After a very long in depth discussions with Helen, Denise decided to take her advice and begin taking Shen Min. Shen Min is an herbal product that has literally changed Denise's life. She discontinued Ariminex, and immediately felt a difference with her joints.She was then able to discontinue the use of Tramadol for joint pain, because she no longer suffered pain. She chose not to begin taking Femara, but instead decided to resume taking Tamoxifen, since other then hair loss there were no other side effects.
As Helen explained it to Denise, the Shen Min Advanced Formula for Women was actually extending her hairs growth phase, therefore reducing the amount of hairs that were in the resting and fallout phase. This herbal supplement had no side effect and the results were noticed within a month. It seemed like such a simple solution, yet Denise had suffered miserably for almost a year, by taking medications that lead to side effects without realizing that there are natural products that can be taken with conventional medication.
Helen's introducing Denise to Shen Min literally changed her life. She is doing very well on Tamoxifen with no side effects. Her hair loss is at an acceptable normal rate and she is now back to work full time. She is no longer on any pain medications and her marriage is becoming stronger and back on the right track.
Although, this cancer/hair loss story does get somewhat complicated, it is insightful. If Denise had known about Shen Min when she first started on Tamoxifen she would have spared herself months of suffering with severe joint pain because of the Ariminex. Although aromatase inhibitor Ariminex is side effect free for the majority of its prescribed patients, Denise's body for what ever reasons was unable to tolerate this medication.
The bottom line is that there is help for anyone who has unwanted hair loss. Shen Min has natural products consisting of capsules, topical formula's and even herbal shampoo's that can help hair loss in both men and women. If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss, even if it is through genetics Shen Min just might be your answer to thinning hair.
Kimberly enjoys studying numerology,astrology,parapsychology and experimenting with herbal remedies. She has been a canine stylist for over 10 years. She is a strong advocate for pancreatic cancer research and helping people become aware of the torture that dogs endure in puppy mills. Stop puppy mills
To review the Shen Min Hair Loss Products page
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8:00 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Survivor's Story | 0 Comments
Fight Like a Girl - Share Our Stories, Share Our Strengths
Traveling while working in Colorado this summer I got to renew my relationship with some high school friends. I was in Kris & Steve's wedding, we were inseparable in high school. Aside from yearly Christmas letter exchanges and a few reunion rendezvous back home in San Diego over the years, we were off living our own lives. I am questioning how that happens, that we become disconnected and also realizing that in the growing and changing, perhaps it is inevitable that we need to go in our own directions for a time.
I am sensing another "book" just on this ebb and flow of relationships but won't diverge down that road right now. I had no idea at the time how the impact of what seemed like a chance connection, would continue to grow. We had a great couple of days spent catching up and feeling like there had not been this distance of some 20 years since our last face to face. Kris has always been, in my mind, an "akuna matada" kind of gal.
I don't think she would argue with me in saying that she has always been easy going, content to be an Indian, never aspiring to be the chief. Don't be mislead, this is not say that she is or was a pushover, she's just... Kris. Fun, easy to be with, interesting and interested but not one that you'd find at the front of a picket line, she is a kind of anti-drama Queen, if you will. Kris was diagnosed with breast cancer several months ago and opted for a radical route; both breasts were removed. When a well meaning friend compassionately expressed her sorrow at her loss, Kris's attitude was a straight forward, resounding, "heck they served their use and there is something wrong with them, what do I want to hold onto them for?" We all do and say what we can. The community outreach has been astounding.
Both she and Steve have spent their working lives in the respective elementary school's where Steve is a Principal and Kris works in administration. Between their two schools, the organization of meal deliveries and support has and continues to be an awesome thing to behold. Karma at its best. They have given a lot to their community and it is being returned twofold. The numbers of women who have and are intimately involved with this "fight" seem to come out of the woodwork. This is a disease that is truly at epic proportions, simply mention the words, "breast cancer," and listen to the stories unfold.
This disease touches every single one of us. A good reason to stand at the front of some picket line, I am just not sure quite yet where that line is, but you can bet I 'll be the one up at the front when I find it. In the meantime, there is something we can all do. Please add to your favorites and click to give free mammograms. It is free, it is easy, make it a part of your daily routine. After her first chemotherapy session she called for a party to shave her head. Kris sent me "the photo" this week. She is calling herself "GI Kristina Jane." She takes my breath away. I cried until there were no tears left. I'd been slammed straight in the gut with the cold hard reality that my friend is un-deniably, no way around it, battling cancer. As I find my breath again I am so struck by her clear and present beauty. I want to say it is her eyes, or maybe her smile, her radiant face that is now un-obscured with hair and I know that's not it. It is simply her presence. And she is present, meeting this disease on her terms, with a tenacity that I would put up against Demi Moore's character of GI Jane any day.
The story goes; a daughter visits her mother, she is distraught with how her life is going, she is tired of fighting and struggling and is ready to give up. Her mother takes her into the kitchen and proceeds to fill three pots with water, placing them each on a high flame. As the pots come to a boil she places carrots in the first, eggs in the second and coffee beans in the last. Without saying a word they sit and watch them boil. After 20 minutes, her mother shuts the stove off. She fishes the carrots out and places them in a bowl. She does the same with the eggs and then ladles the coffee into its own bowl. She turns to her daughter and says "tell me what you see?" A little confused she says, "carrots, eggs and coffee." At this point, she brings the bowls closer to her, and asks her to "feel" the carrots, which she notes are soft. The mother then asks the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observes the hard-boiled egg.
Finally, the mother asks the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter, smiling as she tastes its rich aroma asks, "What does it mean, mother?" Her mother explains that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.
"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?
Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?
Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? I am still finding my way in and out of that hot water and I stand in awe as I have the honor and the distinct privilege of witnessing my friend Kris, be the coffee, sharing her story in how she is "fighting like a girl", giving all she's got and then some. As women, we share our strengths when we share our stories, allowing others to stand on our shoulders.
Please add your voice by helping to provide free mammograms. It is free, its easy, add the breast cancer site to your favorites and make it a part of your daily routine, click to give free mammograms. (c) copyright-Kimberlee Carter. All rights reserved worldwide. Article Source: |
11:57 PM | Labels: Breast Cancer Survivor's Story | 0 Comments
Discover the Best Foods For Breast Cancer
In addition to the standard treatments and way to prevent breast cancer, you must also consider that diet can be an important factor in the defense against this disease. But many people today are unsure as to what would constitute a good diet that would help in this fight.
Firstly, antioxidant-rich food should be in your diet. The good news is, it probably already is. Foods which are antioxidant-rich include: blueberries, squash and especially tomatoes as these in particular also help men in defense of prostate cancer.
Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are good as well. These are known as leafy greens and aid in production of chlorophyll. You should also considered supplementing your diet with vitamins such as B, C and calcium. A multivitamin will take care of this need.
Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended as well. These can be found in fish such as salmon and tuna and most recently in specially developed eggs. For sources of protein, red meat can be used in moderation as too much leads to complications with the heart. Other sources of protein include tofu and soy as well as the fish listed above. Two servings of fish a day are a general recommendation. Fish oils high in Omega-3 are also becoming popular as they have been proven to be effective against tumor growth and can make a patient more receptive to radiation and chemotherapy treatments.
The key is to design a diet based on your needs and wants and to have everything in moderation. A healthy diet does not mean the complete absence of junk food, it just means that you decrease your intake. This is one part of the holistic approach to breast cancer treatment and prevention.
Laura Guthrie is a former cancer patient who successfully recovered. She now shares her best of the best information to give back.
She's put together a website simply to give back to people just like you with tons of free information, you can get free instant access at
We hope you got lots of value from this article, good luck in your journey.
Article Source:
11:56 PM | Labels: Discover the Best Foods For Breast Cancer | 0 Comments
The Truth About Breast Cancer and Fat
There are many studies that show a correlation between the amount of hydrogenated fat we consume and the development of breast cancer. We know that we need some fat in order to have a healthy body, however the trouble is figuring out which fat is the good kind. Anything that includes Omega-3 fatty acids is good. This can include fish, such as albacore, salmon and tuna, eggs and even yogurt. In fact yogurt has another benefit in pro-biotics which aid the body's immune system. Lean meat can be substituted for the fattier steaks and beef as well.
Another factor is the amount that we consume. Someone that is larger (say a man of 6'2) will naturally eat more than say a woman who is 5'0. Thus the more we eat the more risk we run of eating the wrong thing and developing breast cancer. In this case it is of course the type of fat we ingest regularly, however it is also a function of overall nutrition as well. According to studies, people with a higher fat content in their diet also have a higher estrogen level and lower excretion of the hormone as well.
However, a diet that balances the fat intake with healthy alternatives such as green vegetables and antioxidant fruits such as blueberries and nuts have lower risk. There is the possibility that a body that is over-nourished is at risk for developing breast cancer more-so than one that has more of a balance between intake and output.
Therefore, vegetarians are at a very low risk for developing breast cancer as they excrete more estrogen which leaves less to build up. There is also growing evidence that certain vegetables, antioxidants in particular, which contain vitamins A, C and E, may be protective against breast cancer.
Laura Guthrie is a former cancer patient who successfully recovered. She now shares her best of the best information to give back.
She's put together a website simply to give back to people just like you with tons of free information, you can get free instant access at
We hope you got lots of value from this article, good luck in your journey.
Article Source:
11:54 PM | Labels: The Truth About Breast Cancer and Fat | 0 Comments
How to Fight Breast Cancer With Green Tea
There are many options when you are attempting to fight breast cancer. From, keeping fit, to eating right to various medicine there is no shortage of choices. However, there is one that you may not have considered - green tea.
"Green tea?," you ask. "Green tea," says I. And here's why: green tea contains antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols which aid in preventing the formation of cancer cells, and will also kill existing cancer cells and stop their progression, and will aid in lowering breast cancer risk and in preventing it entirely. In fact in one study, taken using women with varying stages of breast cancer, it was found that those that drank the most tea, experienced the least amount of cancer progression.
Recent studies have also shown that green tea is effective in fighting off other forms of cancer as well. It has been found that men you drink green tea dramatically reduce their risk of prostate and breast cancer, compared with men that do not. Studies also showed that women that had ovarian cancer and who drank green tea consistently were able to live longer than those that did not.
Green tea has been found to slow the growth of colorectal, esophagal, and stomach cancer cells and stunt the development of skin, bladder and pancreatic cancer cells. In each case, the subjects that drank green tea invariably lived longer than those that did not.
Is green tea a miracle cure? There is no such thing however it can significantly help reduce the risk of developing many different types of cancer. Along with a preventative plan, you can decrease your chances of developing any form of cancer and increase your survival chances as well.
Laura Guthrie is a former cancer patient who successfully recovered. She now shares her best of the best information to give back.
She's put together a website simply to give back to people just like you with tons of free information, you can get free instant access at
We hope you got lots of value from this article, good luck in your journey.
Article Source:
11:52 PM | Labels: How to Fight Breast Cancer With Green Tea | 0 Comments
Chocolate Models of Yumminess May Help Breast Cancer
Eating chocolate models of dark chocolate candy, is good for you! For women all over the world, deciding the worlds finest chocolate, can be a difficult thing. But are there health benefits? Before whizzing off exchanging chocolate chip cookie recipes, let's think about the symptoms of breast cancer, and ask ourselves if these health benefits may be of use to us.
Chocolate models of yumminess can be full of antioxidants, due to the beans being from the Cacao tree. However the actual amount of antioxidants available to help us, depends on the processing having been done. We need these antioxidants to help control and neutralise damaging free radicals in our body. Some cheaper commercial brands can be found to be overly processed, therefore reducing antioxidants we can utilise.
Dark chocolate candy is the preferable type to have. It has a higher amount of antioxidants available due to the higher cocoa content. When you choose your favourite rich indulgence, aim for 70% cocoa. It can taste stronger and almost bitter to some, but you want and need less of it. Having all these anti cancer compounds and antioxidants in your body is fantastic! Not only may they help your body generally, but they may help your body resist breast cancer.
Keep an eye on the sugar and fat content of your choice. And don't think you need to finish the complete bar! With fuller flavours, often a smaller portion is enough to satisfy you. Forget family battles over the chocolate war! Take your time to enjoy your version of the worlds finest chocolate. Whatever your choice is, remember to appreciate its taste, aroma and enjoy, knowing that you may be helping your body at the same time. And what about me? Well, I intend on having a piece of dark chocolate in a moment, along with a glass of red, and will put my feet up and enjoy getting my dose of antioxidants - I will walk our dog later!
Suzanne Early Article Source: |
6:38 AM | Labels: Other Breast Cancer Info | 0 Comments
Living With Breast Cancer
Do you or someone you know have breast cancer? I also live with breast cancer every day. There is no known cure for breast cancer, but there are things that you can do, while living with breast cancer, which also means, keeping your breast cancer in remission. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, and I live a completely normal lifestyle and you can too. The answer is lots of prayer and a complete lifestyle makeover.
Changing your lifestyle is not always easy but, little steps at a time can bring you great results. It is very important to keep a positive frame of mind, while living with breast cancer, do not fear your breast cancer, but educate yourself on the advance medication and treatments that are available to you. One of the most informative magazines available on the market today, is CURE magazine. It is very informative, and it can bring you the latest information about cancer research and treatments.
If you or someone you know has any kind of cancer, you can get this magazine for free. If you are considering chemotherapy or radiation, learn to prepare yourself before these treatments. I decided to take partial radiation treatments, and no chemotherapy treatments, due to the devastating effect that chemotherapy has on the human body.
I believe that not taking chemotherapy treatment is part of what saved my life. If you are planning on taking chemotherapy or radiation you must prepare yourself before these treatments, by building up your immune system. Please remember that by the time you have been diagnosed with any kind of cancer, this is a sign that your immune system has been severely compromised, which allows cancer to set in. There are things that you can do to buildup your weakened immune system. It's been a long journey, but I've learned many things about living with breast cancer, and so can you.
I am a cancer advisor, guiding people on the road to viewing cancer in a whole new light. People need to know that there's life AFTER cancer. Being a 5 year cancer survivor I have learned many things. As I continue to guide folks on their continued journey, people become at ease, therefore able to uncover concealed hurt and pain hidden away like an old treasure map.There's much to learn about the release of guilt and pain, in order to begin the healing process. One must unite the spiritual and physical body back as one,before inner healing can begin. The body MUST become Renewed! Read more breast cancer articles here at
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6:37 AM | Labels: Other Breast Cancer Info | 0 Comments
Are There Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer?
The best approach is to avoid as many risk factors as possible while increasing protective factors.
Doctors and scientists do not know why one person gets cancer and another one does not. Review the following "proven" risk factors that may increase the chance of getting breast cancer:
Estrogen: Being exposed to estrogen over a long time may increase the risk. This increased exposure occurs in the following ways:
1. Early menstruation: Beginning to have menstrual periods at age 11 or younger increases the number of years the breast tissue is exposed to estrogen.
2. Late menopause: The more years a woman menstruates, the longer her breast tissue is exposed to estrogen.
3. Late pregnancy or never being pregnant: Because estrogen levels are lower during pregnancy, the tissue is exposed to more estrogen in women who become pregnant for the first time after age 35 or who never become pregnant.
Other risk factors include:
1. Hormone replacement therapy/Hormone therapy: Therapies given to women who have had their ovaries removed or who have had a hysterectomy
2. Exposure to Radiation: Radiation to the chest for the treatment of cancers starting 10 years after treatment and lasting for a lifetime. The risk depends on the dose of radiation and the age at which it is given. The risk is highest if radiation treatment was used during puberty. Radiation therapy to treat cancer in one breast does not appear to increase the risk of developing cancer in the other breast.
3. Obesity: Increases the risk in post-menopausal women who have not used hormone replacement therapy.
4. Alcohol: Drinking alcohol increases the risk. Risk rises as the amount of alcohol consumed rises.
5. Inherited risk
Protective factors that may decrease the risk include:
1. Exercise: Exercising four or more hours a week may decrease hormone levels and help lower breast cancer risk. This effect is greatest in pre-menopausal women of normal or low weight.
2. The risk appears to be lower if a woman has her first full-term pregnancy before she is 20 years old.
3. Breast-feeding: Because estrogen levels are lower during breastfeeding, a woman may decrease her risk.
4. Ovarian ablation: Estrogen is reduced when one or both ovaries are removed and can decrease the risk.
5. Late menstruation: At age 14 or older decreases the chances of breast cancer.
6. Early menopause: The fewer years a woman menstruates, the shorter the time her breast tissue is exposed to estrogen.
7. Tamoxifen: Lowers the risk in women who are at high risk for the disease. The effect last for several years after drug treatment is stopped.
8. Raloxifene: Helps prevent breast cancer in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis.
9. Aromatase inhibitors: Lowers the risk of new breast cancers in post-menopausal women with a history of the disease.
10. Prophylactic mastectomy: Some women with high risk may choose to have both breasts removed when there are no signs of cancer. The risk of is lowered in these women. It is very important to have a cancer risk assessment and counseling about all options for possible prevention before making this decision.
11. Prophylactic oophorectomy: Women who have a high risk may choose to have a prophylactic oophorectomy (removal of both ovaries when there are no signs of disease) to decrease the amount of estrogen made by the body and lower the risk. It is very important to have a cancer risk assessment and counseling before making this decision.
12. Fenretinide: At type of vitamin A called retinoid that may lower the risk when given to pre-menopausal women who have a history of the disease.
The following have been proven NOT to be risk factors or their effects are not known:
1. Abortion
2. Oral Contraceptives
3. Progestin-only contraceptives that are injected or implanted
4. Environment: Studies have not proven that being exposed to certain substances in the environment such as chemicals, metals, dust and pollution) increases the risk.
5. It is not proven that a diet low in fat or high in fruits and vegetables will prevent breast cancer.
6. It has not been proven that either active cigarette smoking or passive smoking (inhaling secondhand smoke) increases the risk of developing the disease.
There are new studies going on continuously to find more ways to prevent breast cancer. These studies include:
• The effects of exercise
• The effects of quitting smoking or taking certain medicines, vitamins, minerals or food supplements
Source: National Cancer Institute
© 2007 Connie Limon
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Written by: Connie Limon. For more information about Breast Cancer visit us at
Article Source:
6:35 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Prevention | 4 Comments
Breast Cancer and Laughter
My breast cancer taught me so much about laughter. Laughter has been called "the best medicine" - and for good reason - a good dose of deep, heartfelt laughter can help pull you through some of the worst times in your life. In my case it was during my mastectomy as a result of breast cancer. Being able to laugh at it just makes it easier.
Some breast cancer patient healed themselves, just by watching funny movies and comedy shows.
Laughter is so good for us, both physically and emotionally. It strengthens our immune system, improves our cardiovascular health, tones and relaxes our muscles, reduces depression and anxiety, boosts our productivity and creativity, and does a whole lot more good to our being.
Laughing is a great healer and I want to share with you how much. Think of Bob Hope and George Burns. They lived longer than most by using their God-given talent for humor to anchor them in their life. Laughter is a big key to our health. Laughter has a way of making problems melt away. It lets us know just how ridiculous we are. Comedians are so sought after by people because innately we know the healing effect they have on us.
Quite simply, laughing makes us feel good.
So why not En-lighten up a little?
Can you laugh at yourself and at things that have happened in your life??
A recent study found that 5-year old children laugh up to 400 times a day! In this case it's the kids who can teach us a thing or two! So, start counting how often you laugh!
I used a lot of laughter to ease the pain during my breast cancer.
Let's develop our own humor and laughter muscles... right now!
Are You Ready?
Here are some empowering questions you can ask yourself on a daily basis:
1. How many things can I notice today that are truly funny?
2. Who can I make smile right now?
3. What tense situation can I look back on and laugh about them?
4. Whom can I call on the phone that can laugh with me?
5. How many people I made to laugh today?
Good humor is tonic for the mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment."
-Grenville Kleiser.
With much Love and Laughter.
Lea Yekutiel - author Article Source: |
6:34 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Survivor's Story | 0 Comments
Fertilizers and Breast Cancer
As more and more people become involved in the dreadful cancer war, the quest for pinpointing the exact cause is in demand. Although there is a broad range of variables that come into play in regards to whom cancer effects and when it is detected, scientists continue to blame chemical fertilizers for the perpetual increase in breast cancer amongst women. Fifty years ago, one woman in twenty would get breast cancer in her lifetime. Now, one in eight is expected to be diagnosed each year.
It is of no coincidence that scientists have detected and linked the rise of breast cancer with the rise of hormone-disrupting chemicals. Over time, more and more chemicals have been introduced into our lives through a broad range of avenues and for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, these chemicals usually make their way onto your kitchen table, in your refrigerator, or even in your backyard, simply through the use of chemical fertilizers (either by yourself or some commercial farmer).
The reason women, especially, should be concerned is because numerous synthetic compounds found in fertilizer actually mimic the action of estrogen. Now we know that estrogen is needed in order for a woman's reproductive system to function properly. And actually, cells in the breast are designed to respond and receive estrogen. (This is what sets off changes to prepare the body for reproduction and pregnancy.)
However, the problem, is that these estrogenic chemicals, as they are called, fool the body into thinking they are signals from the endocrine or pituitary glands. The biochemical results of this horrible trick are manifested in the form of masses, tumors and growths. (Such "estrogenic" chemicals have also been found to be responsible for the increase in reproductive abnormalities in males. They are also related to the provocation of the development of cancer in the testes and prostate.)
Besides tricking the body, synthetic estrogens are also hard to break down. Instead of breaking down and being eliminated from the body, they posit themselves in the body's fat cells (specifically in the breast), causing cancerous tumors. Synthetic estrogen also impacts the levels of other hormones in the body.
A woman's lifetime exposure to estrogen or estrogen imitators is an important risk factor for breast cancer. The longer the exposure, the greater the risk.
Laboratory tests also show that some breast cancer cells will only grow in the presence of estrogen. In these tests, the blocking or removal of estrogen halts the growth of such cancers.
So what can you do? We know that avoiding these cancer-causing chemicals is extremely difficult in our day and age, especially since we don't have control over the manufacturing of the products we buy. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean you have to give up and continue living as you do. Do a little research and find products that are organic or natural. Plant a garden so you and your family can enjoy naturally-grown fruits and vegetables. Throw out your chemical fertilizer and buy an all-natural fertilizer.
Be responsible and take action with preventive health practices that will pay off for you and your family now and also down the road. Resist being another number, resist looking back and saying "should've, could've, would've".
Christopher A. Williams (aka Natural Fertilizer Guy) edits the website:
The website contains articles about natural fertilizers and seaweed based fertilizers, as well as general natural gardening tips.
Article Source:
6:30 AM | Labels: Other Breast Cancer Info | 0 Comments
Obese Women Have Greater Risks of Suffering From Breast Cancer
Overweight and fat women have greater danger of suffering from breast cancer. The risk after menopause will increase by 4.51-12.38 times. Women of abdominal obesity are usually like spindles, and women with obesity in hip and thigh are pear-shaped. Analysis on 216 breast cancer patients, researchers found that when the waist-hip ratio is greater than 0.77, the relative risk of breast cancer will be three times higher than normal, and will be six times higher when the ratio is over 0.8.
Fat in hips and thighs is not easy to eliminate, but relatively has smaller impact on breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, abdominal fat is easy to eliminate, but has greater potential danger to cardiovascular disease and breast cancer.
The incidence and development of breast cancer relates to estrogen. Apart from the normal ovarian estrogen production, fat tissue in obese women can generate considerable estrogen. The higher level of estrogen will lead to the greater risk of breast cancer.
Long-term intake of high calorie diet lead to overweight and obesity. Women often eat fried foods will increase the risk of breast cancer by 1.6 times. Comparative study on 537 normal persons and patients found that the risk of breast cancer increased by 2.72 times in the women who had more fat intake, and 3.53 times after menopause. Additionally, women with less exercise have more risks of breast cancer due to relative surplus of calories.
The type of fat and breast cancer is closely related. Researchers found that the more intake of animal saturated fatty acid, the more prone to lymph nodes metastasis, and negative in plant unsaturated fatty acid. This means older women consume vegetable oil instead of animal fats, is benefit for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer and coronary heart disease.
Win.Ho has a background of several years in various facets of the healthcare industry with a bachelor's degree in clinical medicine and a master's degree in immunology. You can find more cancer information in his site
Article Source:
6:27 AM | Labels: Other Breast Cancer Info | 0 Comments
Diary of a Breast Cancer Journey - What Happens and How Do You Get Your Head Around It?
We were driving down the highway to Denmark; a small, beautiful town on the south coast of Western Australia. After a few hours of travelling, we pulled off the road to stretch our legs. It seemed like the middle of nowhere; farmland on either side of the highway stretched out into rolling green hills. The road was dead straight for miles in both directions. We had left the CD playing loudly in the car and the Doors song Roadhouse Blues, punched its beat into the stillness. Without saying anything, we spontaneously started singing out, "Let it roll baby, roll..." at the top of our voices. At first we sang and swayed to the beat, then freeing inhibitions, we allowed our bodies to be danced across the road; laughing, twirling, dancing and singing with pure abandon. It was exhilarating!
Previously we had been sitting quietly for a few hours, lost in our own thoughts, looking out the window. After our dancing and laughing, we had magically been re-energized and lifted into a joyful, animated state that lasted the rest of the day. It's that easy, I reminded myself, why do we keep forgetting to be joyful and energized? Why do we make things so complicated? Why don't we listen to our bodies more often?
The body is so wise and so capable of an aliveness and vitality that we rarely tap into. The saddest part of it though, isn't just that we don't enjoy our vitality, but that we mostly disconnect, abuse and bully the body into an unnatural, fatigued and stressed state. Movement, sunshine and fresh air - miracle medicine! We seem to require reasons and research to convince us to be healthy and happy and we want instruction on how to do it. We are willing to pay for health and we have become blinded to truth and brainwashed by science and marketing.
In less than three minutes of dancing, we had all become energized, flexible, joyful and lighter. Yes, I do know from studies that we released and balanced chemicals, endorphins and hormones. Filled ourselves with negative ions and oxygen, released carbon dioxide, gases and toxins; absorbed vitamins and anti oxidants; moved lymph fluids and enhanced the immune system; alkalised the ph balance and blah, blah, blah. Do we really need to nit-pick and dissect everything before we understand the truth of truth?
I believe that we could read every scientific paper ever written and not know more than a grain of sand about how nature works. Only nature itself can show us how it works, and it can only achieve this by example. We really do not need to know what sunshine is and how or why it affects our bodies - but we know that it does; because we feel it. The very first and last thing we do is breathe; without breath there is no life and yet we rarely recognise it as a healing property or an essential life sustaining force. If lack of breath is death, then surely it is obvious that limited breath will create illness and disease! We have all felt a heightened sense of well-being due to sound, vibration, colour or movement, but very few would recognize these as healing influences.
We tend to isolate disease and name it. Disease is not just a condition of an organ or a function; it is evidence that the whole organism is in crisis. Heart disease is not simply a mal function of the heart; cancer is not just abnormal cells trapped within a tumour; arthritis is not just wear and tear on our joins. We can temporarily treat a disease or artificially support or repair parts, but we must return to our natural laws to address the cause. Most disease is an unconscious form of suicide - suicide through neglect, ignorance or abuse.
A gardener can look at a diseased plant and know that it is in distress due to lack of sunlight or water. He doesn't focus on the dead leaves or the invading insects - he studies the environment of the garden. Disease sets in due to lack of essential requirements. It might be weeds robbing the plant of nutrients, too much water, not enough light or harsh weather conditions. Although a gardener might have to chop back a few branches (surgery) and add fertilizer (drugs) his main concern is in bringing the environment back into balance. He will relocate the plant if it is in a stressful position; protect it with mulch, feed the soil or erect a wind break. Much of our modern medicine can be likened to chopping off the dead wood. It doesn't address the cause and it doesn't produce long term solutions; the problem will either return or show up in other areas.
We expect a pill or a procedure to restore us and we actually believe it does. We recover from one disease and then return to our previous habits. Cancer, as an example, is not the result of any particular carcinogen. A healthy body easily deals with toxins, bacteria, pollutants, virus, parasites and any and all imbalances. The body is designed to heal, protect and renew itself. I doubt that we will ever know the amazing capacity we have to maintain our bodies. I really don't believe that any of us understands just how far away from nature we have taken ourselves. Disease is the result of many, many abuses, and over a long period of time. Most of us pay little attention to what we eat, specifically what we need to eat. We ignore pain or mask it with medication. We lack sleep and often use pills to induce unnatural sleep. We live according to artificial light rather than follow the rhythm of night and day. We breathe air conditioning and polluted air most of the time. We eat and drink an extraordinary amount of chemicals. Many people need medication to digest and eliminate food; that is, we can't even crap without help! Our water is bleached. Even our own thoughts are flooding our bodies with stress hormones and acidic chemicals. We hold our bodies in bondage by sitting and staring into computer screens, in a sea of radiation; contorting muscles and inhibiting blood flow.
Don't cry out in despair at the unfairness of disease or wonder at its cause. All of us are actively destroying our bodies in so many ways - everyday. Perhaps this modern world does require some compromise but, do we really see just how much we are compromising?
Is there a cure for cancer? I don't think so, at least not by today's methods or treatments; at best, we achieve varying degrees of remission. We are simply removing the dead wood and then continuing to poison the garden.
If the body is tired, lacking vitality and well-being, then let's call that 'disease' and bring it back into balance in a natural and nurturing way. Perhaps we might only need to dance it back to life.
Sonya Green is webmaster and author of Reinventing Myself. Her writing reflects her passion for finding Joy in everyday life. Love, health and happiness are available to us us. Excerpt: To read full diary see: Copyright Sonya Green 2008 Article Source: |
6:25 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Survivor's Story | 0 Comments
Top 4 Major Factors of Breast Cancer in Young Women
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women; more and more young women are suffering from breast cancer. There are 4 major factors leading to breast cancer.
1. The Change In Hormone Levels
More and more young women are suffering from breast cancer. As a medical point of view, the age of incidence of breast cancer is becoming younger, mainly because of urban lifestyle changes.
Environmental pollution, food contamination, the tense psychological pressure, the change in hormone levels and some other man-made factors have led to the increase in risk of breast cancer in young women.
2. Too Much Spiritual Pressure
One of the important factors lead to breast cancer is related to mental stress. Many people today face more competitions, and loss the natural way of life. Usually work overtime in the evening, drink more coffee, smoking, eat more genetically modified food, etc.
3. Late Marriage, Postponement Of Childbearing And Less Breast-feeding
Epidemiological statistics show that late marriage, late childbearing, less breast-feeding is a negative factor to women. However, it is not very sure whether this is a real risk of breast cancer incidence. We recommend women bear naturally in the age for fertility.
The breast will proliferate after women bear. If there is no breast-feeding, it is unfavorable to the baby health, on the other hand it is negative to the natural cycle of women. Breast-feeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
4. Breast Enlargement Products Containing Excessive Hormones
If there contains unhealthy or excessive hormone in breast enlargement products, it must be unfavorable to breast.
Win Ho writes articles about cancers, introduces symptoms of several types of cancer, cancer causes, treatment and more. You can find more cancer informations in his site
Article Source:
6:23 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Factor | 0 Comments
Flax Seed in Breast Cancer Prevention
If you get to know better the health benefits of flax seed, you may come across the fact that its nourishing properties are attributive of its omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fibers, and high-lignan content. Given these medicinal constituents, then it won't be difficult to think of flax seed as a powerful agent against breast cancer. Millions of women from around the world-particularly those in the postmenopausal stage, are inflicted with breast cancer and while a fully determined cure is still unavailable, flax seed supplementation is what medical researchers are hoping to be an effective prevention against this deadly disease.
The grain's anti-cancerous property is mostly attributed to its high-lignan content, where flax seed is regarded as the chief source of lignans among various plant species. Pertinent research confirms that the antioxidant lignan helps reduce the proliferation of cancerous cells. Experiments also reveal that a reduction in tumor size among breast cancer patients was evident following a period of supplementation with flax lignan capsules under a controlled diet. But the most successful results materialized when diets were supplemented with ground flax seed and the lignan capsules. Though the potential of flax seed as an anti-breast cancer agent is not yet fully recognized by the scientific community, the grain's observed ability to regulate the excess production of estrogen hormones during the post menopausal stage likely becomes the springboard to prevention. Moreover, flax seed retains its stature as a promising remedy that medical authorities have been using to treat certain cases of cancer.
The medicinal benefit of flax seed is however not limited to the control of cancer and tumor cell regeneration. In fact, it is imbibed with nutritional values that promote an overall healthy body. Besides the antioxidant activity of lignans, flax seed is also enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fibers-both soluble and insoluble.
Omega-3 is an essential factor to cellular mechanisms, and this unsaturated fatty acid lowers bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol) levels. Dietary fibers on the other hand enhance digestion as well as the absorption of essential nutrients in the body, which is an important factor in boosting immune system functions. Maintaining good blood circulation and strong immune defenses are indispensable factors to the upkeep of health, particularly in surviving the after effects of cancers. What makes chemotherapeutic treatments (that are probably thought of as the only effective means to fight cancer cells) dangerous is that these procedures compromise immune system conditions. The side effects of chemotherapy such as diarrhea, hair loss, and blood cell diseases among others convey compromising repercussions to a patient's overall health.
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. So for women crossing over to the post menopausal stage, it wouldn't cost so much to sustain a daily supplementation of milled flax seed and flax lignan capsules to help regulate estrogen levels in the body. In the end, flax seed becomes your mighty protector against breast cancer!
Bruce Maul is a partner in Gold Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed and Health related products. Learn more about Flax Seed by visiting
Article Source:
8:11 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer Prevention | 0 Comments
Breast Cancer and Exercise - A Moving Patient Gathers No Cancer
"It's too early, it's too late, I'm tired, my feet hurt, my whole body hurts, I'm hungry," these are many of the excuses that keep us from exercising. It is really important that you don't make excuses but make changes to your life. I'm saying this not because I enjoy working out all the time, which I don't, but because your risk of breast cancer can be diminished by exercise.
The latest American Cancer Society's guidelines for physical activity recommend 30 minutes daily of brisk exercise at least 5 days a week. Is there any data to back this up? There sure is. In fact exercise can help prevent both pre and post menopausal breast cancer and if you have had breast cancer, a regular exercise program will improve your survival. Here's the data.
The first study was recently published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2008;100:608). This is a report from the Nurses Health Study II which included 64,777 premenopausal nurses. They were given questionnaires regarding physical activity starting in 1997. After 6 years of follow up, 550 women developed breast cancer. Women whose total activity equaled 3.25 hours per week of running or 13 hours per week of walking had a 23% lower chance of getting breast cancer. This was especially true when the activity occurred in younger women aged 12-22.
A similar article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2003 (2003;290:1331) demonstrated a 20% drop in the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women who engaged in 10 hours per week of moderate intensity exercise like tennis, jogging or aerobics. This information is taken from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study involving more than 74,000 women aged 50-79. Don't worry if you can't jog, there were also benefits for those who walk, bike, or swim 5 days a week.
Finally, a study of 1491 women who had received treatment for early stage breast cancer revealed a 44% improvement in survival if they engaged in 30 minutes of walking a day for 6 days every week (J Clin Oncol 2007;25:2345). This survival improvement was enhanced if the women also ate a diet high in fruits and vegetables. The interesting finding is that the benefit was regardless of weight. Your weight is less important than your lifestyle choices of exercise and diet preventing breast cancer recurrence.
So, no more excuses. Get out there and move a little, walk, run, play tennis, or swim. Whatever you do, you can be sure that you will decrease your risk of breast cancer.
Robert Avery MD, is a practicing oncologist in the St. Louis area. He has a keen interest not only in cancer care and therapy but also nutrition and how is helps prevent cancer. He is owner of Citrine Sun, an online company dedicated to helping cancer patients through every stage of their illness through education and natural supplements. An interesting newsletter and information about helpful supplements are available at his website, Contact Dr. Avery through his email, Article Source: |
8:08 AM | Labels: Other Breast Cancer Info | 0 Comments
Transfer and Proliferation of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer directly to the expansion around, the lymphatic and blood flow. The lymph nodes should be to prevent cancer cells from the primary tumor Yat, the first barrier, if cancer cells through the lymph node barrier is usually recidivism supraclavicular lymph nodes and then penetrated into the blood vein. In addition to the transfer axillary lymph node cancer, also involving the parasternal lymph nodes, for more than the second and third and fourth intercostal, in the first half of breast cancer in the area and areola more so, from here then repeat lymph node cancer. Breast cancer cells may also directly cause vascular invasive metastasis. Side by intercostal thoracic vein into the ipsilateral unknown vein into the pulmonary circulation. Breast deep tissue, breast and chest wall into the vein axillary vein into the subclavian vein and unknown vein, lung metastasis is an important way, the flow of qi intercostal vein and the vein-odd vein, the superior vena cava last Rufei, Ki Venous system through intervertebral vein, vertebral venous plexus, after the group connected with the vertebral vein, vertebral venous system and the vena cava blood flow in intra-abdominal pressure can change the flow of each other, so that some patients in the absence of a superior vena cava ( Such as the lungs) transfer before a skull, spine, Pengu, such as the transfer.
For a long time, people found that breast cancer may have been in attendance at the distant metastasis, despite the clinical was not attending to, this constitutes a conservative implementation of the theoretical basis for chemotherapy. According to today has been able to tumor size, lymph node involvement in the number and variety of other biological characteristics of a preliminary estimate of distant metastases minimal level of risk exists.
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Robin Zhao - EzineArticles Expert Author
8:05 AM | Labels: Other Breast Cancer Info | 0 Comments
Early Detection Signs Or Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Early detection of this disease is vital!
There are different signs and symptoms of breast cancer. One of the first signs or symptoms is feeling a lump in the breast. This lump will feel different then the other breast tissue around it.
It is known that more then eighty percent of women discover lumps by checking themselves. A physician can detect breast cancer by giving you a mammogram.
Knowing the signs and symptoms of breast cancer may help save your life.
When the disease is discovered early, you have more treatment options and a better chance for a cure. Most breast lumps aren't cancerous.
Yet the most common sign of breast cancer for both men and women is a lump or thickening in the breast.
Often, the lump is painless.
Even though the public has learned a great deal about breast cancer, there remain more than a half-dozen popular breast cancer myths.
At least one such myth relates to the signs of breast cancer. Many women believe that finding a lump in the breast means that they have breast cancer, which is untrue.
Another symptom of breast cancer is Paget?s disease of the breast.
It is a syndrome that presents skin changes like redness and flaking skin of the nipple. As this advances symptoms may include itching, tingling, sensitivity, pain and burning and on occasion discharge from the nipple. About half of women that are diagnosed with Paget?s will also have a lump in the breast.
Another helpful piece of information is that some types of cancers, like the Inflammatory breast cancer and Pagent's disease show classic symptoms of their own type. Very red and hard breasts which keep getting sore show along with the regular breast cancer symptoms are a classic case of the Inflammatory breast cancer, whereas very itchy, red, scaly rashes, easily confused for eczema, on the breasts along with other breast cancer symptoms are Pagent's disease.
Always get the doctor to clarify your doubts.
Unlike the more common form of breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer does not generally present as a lump.
The disease grows as nests or sheets that clog the lymph system under the skin. Often the symptoms are attributed to other diseases and thus the diagnosis may take a long time to occur.
For many women, abnormal cell activity in breast fluid will be the first warning of the potential development of breast cancer signs and symptoms. This early warning system gives women and their doctors precious extra time to implement a more vigilant, personalized breast health treatment plan.
A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast. This test is used to look for breast disease in women who do not appear to have breast problems. It can also be used when women have symptoms such as a lump, skin change, or nipple discharge.
Each year 180,000 women get breast cancer, this is an increase of over 50 percent of the women who were developing breast cancer before 1950.
The chances of developing breast cancer increases with age.
But, don't think that you don't have to worry if you are younger than 40, because more and more young women are also developing breast cancer than ever before.
Be vigilant in your breast exams and you will have greater peace of mind.
Early detection methods of detecting breast cancer has improved survival rates tremendously. Even with the amount of women developing breast cancer increasing, the amount of women who actually die of breast cancer these days is decreasing due to early detection and better treatment methods.
A screening mammogram is used to look for breast disease in women who have no breast concerns. A diagnostic mammogram is used when a woman has symptoms or if there are other barriers to accurate testing like breast implants.
Unfortunately, the early stages of breast cancer may not have any symptoms. This is why it is important to follow screening recommendations. In most cases, the first signs of breast cancer are recognized as a small and often palpable lump in the breast.
Women with a higher risk of breast cancer should talk with their doctor about the best approach for them. They may benefit from starting mammograms when they are younger, having them more often, or having other tests. If you are at higher risk, your doctor might recommend an ultrasound or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) be done along with your mammograms.
If you notice any of these warning signs of breast cancer do not panic. Call your health care provider early and have it checked out. Not all these changes may represent cancer but you will not know unless you are examined.
Yet there is more reason for optimism than ever before.
In the last 30 years, doctors have made great strides in early diagnosis and treatment of the disease and in reducing breast cancer deaths.
In 1975, a diagnosis of breast cancer usually meant radical mastectomy - removal of the entire breast along with underarm lymph nodes and muscles underneath the breast.
Today, radical mastectomy is rarely performed. Instead, there are more and better treatment options, and many women are candidates for breast-sparing operations.
Most breast cancer symptoms are visually observable and highlight the need for regular breast self exams.
While breast cancer cannot be prevented, early detection of cancer warning signs and early diagnosis dramatically increases the likelihood of successful treatment.
The good news is that many times, especially if a lump is caught early, women with breast cancer go on to live full, healthy lives after treatment.
Some women also join support groups so they can talk to other women with breast cancer who are feeling the same emotions, this can be very beneficial and supportive.
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7:57 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer's Symptoms | 0 Comments
The Effects of Hair Loss Following Chemotherapy
You might not think about how important your hair is until you face losing it. And if you have cancer and are about to undergo chemotherapy, the chance of hair loss is very real. Both men and women report hair loss as one of the side effects they fear most after being diagnosed with cancer.
Hair loss happens because the chemotherapy affects all cells in the body, not just the cancer cells. The lining of the mouth, stomach, and the hair follicles are especially sensitive because those cells multiply rapidly just like the cancer cells. The difference is that the normal cells will repair themselves, making these side effects temporary.
Chemotherapy may be described as treatment of cancer with different drugs and chemicals. It has been seen that majority of patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer from hair loss.
The reason is hair follicle cells grow quite fast and the drugs used for chemotherapy attack any cell growing and attacks healthy hair follicle cells also.
Can hair loss be prevented during chemotherapy treatment? There is no known way to prevent chemotherapy-induced hair loss. However, not all chemotherapy medications cause hair loss.
You should consult with your doctor about the type of treatment recommended for you and what its side effects are likely to be. Whether or not you lose your hair depends in part on the specific medication and dosage administered. Women should consider visiting a wig salon before they begin losing their hair so that the specialist may become familiar with her present hairstyle and color.
Some wig salons specialize in hair loss from chemotherapy and are able to offer women specific advice. A wig specialist may also wish to measure the woman's head size to make sure an average wig will fit. Custom-made wigs sometimes take several weeks to have made.
Chemotherapy drugs are powerful medications that attack rapidly growing cancer cells. Unfortunately, these drugs also attack other rapidly growing cells in your body - including those in your hair roots. 6
Chemotherapy hair loss, and changes in skin and body can be devastating after effects of cancer treatment. Fortunately, most of the time hair loss from chemotherapy is temporary. You can expect to regrow a full head of hair six months to a year after your treatment ends, though your hair may temporarily be a different shade or texture. Remember the hair loss from chemotherapy is temporary.
It usually starts to grow back about six weeks after the person finishes their chemotherapy, and it may look and feel different from the person's original hair. It may be curlier or a slightly different color.
Sometimes hair grows in grey until the person's hair color (also called pigment) cells begin to work again. Most people will have a full head of hair again about six months to a year after they stop taking chemotherapy.
The decrease in blood cell counts does not occur right at the start of chemotherapy because the drugs do not destroy the cells already in the bloodstream (these are not dividing rapidly). Instead, the drugs affect new blood cells that are being made by the bone marrow.
Radiation only causes hair loss on the particular part of the body treated. If radiation is used to treat the breast, there is no hair loss on your head. But there might be loss of hair around the nipple, for women who have hair in that location. Radiation to the brain, used to treat metastatic cancer in the brain, usually causes complete hair loss on the head.
Cold caps don't work for everyone. They only block certain drugs and are not suitable for use in all types of cancer. You can't really have scalp cooling if there is too high a risk that cancer cells could be presenting the scalp blood vessels.
This is because there would be a possibility that the cells in the scalp blood vessels would not be killed by the chemotherapy. It certainly is not advisable for leukemia or lymphoma treatment, for example.
You cannot wear a cold cap if you are having continuous chemotherapy through a pump either, because you would have to wear the cold cap all the time, 24 hours a day. Chemotherapy is very effective in killing cancer cells, but it also affects normal cells as well. The strength of the drugs used in chemotherapy causes side effects that can bring discomfort and inconvenience.
Typical side effects of chemotherapy include gastrointestinal tract problems, hair loss, low blood cell counts, skin rashes, fatigue, and infertility. It is important to remember that most side effects are manageable, and if they become problematic, there is medication to treat them.
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5:43 AM | Labels: Breast Cancer's Effects | 0 Comments